Spider Friend


Back in early, early October (around the 1st or 2nd) I wrote about the daddy longleg looking spider that inhabits a corner in my living room. What usually happens is a little spider comes at lives in my apartment for a few months then disappears, either dying or retreating to a new place to live out of my view. This guy or gal has been here for at least 8 full months and maybe more. I’m wondering if this is one of those Disneyland duck situations in that the spider realizes how great he/she has it. She lives in this corner, away from the elements and zero risk of a giant human killing her. No rain will drown her. No heat will bake her. No feet will smash her. And no birds will eat her (assuming birds eat this species, if not, something must, so substitute that in). On top of that safety, food is abundant. That might be an indictment of my apartment but I’m hoping small little bugs inhabit other peoples houses as well. Plus, right now I have a fan set up that blows air right into this corner, probably funneling bugs right into her/his web. The other day, my spider friend was running to and fro wrapping up little bug after little bug before chowing down on a few. Really strange process if you’ve ever watched a spider eat up close. Spinning the bugs with his legs while he wraps them up is fun. A little sad for the bugs, assuming they had hopes and dreams that didn’t involve an entertaining death. Anyway, just surprised this spider is still alive and kicking. I have no idea how long they live, but they’ve only stayed a few months maximum in the past. Nice reminder that other things live in this world which is easy to forget with our human-centric concerns.


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Spider Friend

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